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Версия от 17:31, 20 марта 2021; Raptor1500 (обсуждение | вклад) (Пока не закончено)
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Дата выпуска 21 дек 2019
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v9̷̘͉͉͂̈́̓̃.͙̰ͥͩ0̰̝͍͎̤͍̟ͭ̋̆̉̇̿̉.̶̥̹͎͕̱̿͌4̧̣̟̪̹̹̤̏ͣ v9.1.1
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Обновления карты

Хотя мы вполне довольны нынешней картой в MP2, существуют небольшие недоработки, сохранившиеся у особенно старых комнат, а также сделанные впопыхах вещи, на доведение до ума которых у нас не было времени. В обновлении Minipatch мы хотели сгладить эти моменты для более плавного ощущения игры.

Поправлено освещение и фон у надписи в комнате Micro HID
Добавлена новая мебель в комнату Micro HID
Был нанят техник для того, чтобы наконец-то исправить мигающий свет в комнате Micro HID
Передвинута рабочая станция в оружейной Т-перекрёстка
Теперь патроны в оружейной Т-перекрёстка появляются на столе
Добавлена музыка в лифте - главное нововведение года

Процедурная Декорация

Одним из менее заметных нововведений, появившимся в обновлении Megapatch 2, является "система динамического окружения". Если вкратце, система позволяет определённым предметам и статичным объектам генерироваться при определённых условиях - например, во время праздника. При помощи этой системы мы смогли ввести праздничные декорации на всей карте, которые будут грамотно появляться в правильный промежуток времени, и не будут появляться, когда они не нужны.

Декорации на Хэллоуин существуют в коде игры и будут появляться в Октябре - но в обновлении Minipatch мы также ввели повторяющиеся декорации, которые будут автоматически появляться на протяжении Декабря. Если у вас возникло праздничное настроение, просто зайдите на сервер и оглянитесь! Хотя нам также нравится делать большие праздничные ивенты, данные повторяющиеся декорации привносят дух праздника в игру, даже если у нас не получается придумать что-то уникальное вовремя.


While MP2 has been fermenting, our feedback team and developers have been keeping a close eye on the continued balance of the game, and how the new changes have affected the meta. With that in mind, we've decided on the following changes to the game to try and make it more fun for everyone.

<pre Developer's Note: Hey, remember me? I'm the developer's note guy! This is where we put our design insights and thoughts concerning what went into balance changes. If you're curious about our rationale, look for these blocks.


  • Base movement speed increased from 10 m/s to 12.5 m/s
  • Movement speed now increases more linearly from lost health

<pre 173 didn't get touched in the balance wave of 9.0.0 - this was because we couldn't decide on how best to balance it out, or how 173 would interact with the new items or SCPs. As it stands, 173 suffers from a lack of consistency, largely in part due to its predictable movement and lack of proper power increase.

To try to improve consistency, 173's base move speed has received a significant buff — it now moves fast enough to go through tesla gates without taking damage, as long as it's not being observed. Previously, 173's movement speed increased in tiers - for instance, from 40% to 60% health, its speed remained the same. In 9.1, 173’s speed now directly increases with any lost health, which makes its threat level proportional to its lost health, rather than having empty chunks of health thresholds.


  • HP regen now ramps up to 2 per second, up from 1.4 per second
  • Effectively restores 45 HP over its duration, up from about 30

<pre Painkillers are the weakest medical item, and intended to be the most plentiful in lockers. While their intended niche was topping off minor wounds, it became clear that this was their only use, and that they were too weak in any other area. To compensate for this, their HP regen was buffed, which should give them more use in combat and when you're badly hurt.


  • Time required to enter rage now varies depending on player count, with roughly triple current values at 1 player and unchanged from current at 20 players or above
  • Jump height is increased by 50% while in rage

<pre 096's backend changes meant that his values were constant - rage duration, time he had to be observed, and cooldown time. While this was better from a code perspective, it meant that 096 consistently terrorized low-population servers, where there aren't enough people to effectively take him down.

Increasing the time players can look at 096 in lower-population servers should make it less completely dominant on these servers while not affecting its balance negatively on servers of typical size. With the change to its jump height, 096 should also be able to pose a threat to targets hiding out of reach, which previously felt silly given 096's capabilities and lethality.


This feature was originally intended for Megapatch 2, but due to time constraints and tough-to-fix bugs, it was cut from the final release. Since we haven't had time to extensively refine this feature, but have managed to get it working, we've included it in Minipatch.

Sinkholes are SL's first environmental hazard. LCZ intersections may appear with a large splotch of corrosion in the center. Moving around the edges of this sinkhole causes no negative effects; however, walking through the center will slow you down!

These are intended to spruce up chases and diversify the map by adding an occasional hazard that players need to be aware of. SCPs are immune to the sinkhole's effects.

Because these are experimental, they don't spawn by default. Server owners can change a new gameplay config setting, sinkhole_spawn_chance, that determines an intersection's chance to spawn a sinkhole. There's also a config setting controlling how much the sinkholes slow by, defaulting at 30 and ranging in config between 1 and 99, called sinkhole_slow_amount. These numbers correspond to a percentage chance - an entry of 25, for instance, corresponds to a 25% chance for each intersection to spawn a sinkhole.

Other Changes

  • Added an AFK kicker that will kick players from the server if they don't move from their spawn position within an allotted time period. This only affects spawn positions, and for 079, it checks selected camera rather than position. A new admin permission exists to grant exemption from the kicker - AFKImmunity - and the kicker's timeframe is controlled by a new config entry - afk_time - defaulting to 90 seconds; setting the time to 0 seconds will disable the kicker entirely
  • Added gameplay configs to configure the max amount of NTF or CI can spawn in a squad, ranging from 2 to 50 and defaulting to 15; the entries are maximum_MTF_respawn_amount and maximum_CI_respawn_amount respectively
  • Added a config option to place escaped players' items into their new inventory, respecting item limits and capacity; entry name is items_in_inv_after_escaping, defaults to false
  • Added an Easter egg to the animated menu


Fixed item durability not carrying over when players escape, causing things like the HID to empty completely Fixed some doors in Heavy Containment using the LCZ model - doors with access requirements remain with the model, as it appears visibly reinforced and more modern Fixed a missing light in 4-way Entrance Zone intersections Fixed the MP7's suppressor attachment erroneously reducing damage by 20% instead of 10%

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