Материал из SCP: Secret Laboratory Russian Official Wiki
Welcome to the Official SCP: Secret Laboratory Wiki!
The official information hub for all things SCP:SL, with 458 pages and counting!

Below you can find some articles on the SCPs, various playable classes and more.

Последнее обновление и Объявление
Последнее объявление
Hello everyone.

We here at Northwood Studios have a special announcement to make. We’ve partnered with Makeship in order to bring you your very own SCP-096 plushie!

Makeship has worked with some incredible creators in the past and as such we’re proud knowing this plushie is of the highest quality. Now this is a pre-order meaning the product will only be made if we reach 200 sales, if this isn’t reached then don’t worry anyone who pre-ordered will get a refund.
~ Northwood Studios
Announcement Link

Последнее обновление
Версия: 11.0.3
Дата выхода: 26-го октября 2021
Нововведения в обновлении
Поддержка Вики
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